Team Bomad

I am an indie developer. I’ve done all the coding, design and marketing myself, and loved every minute of it. Sure I’ll hire a team when Bomad gets big enough, but for now I’m thrilled to have the project entirely in my own 2 hands.
I almost managed to recruit my 15 year old son into the team, but it turned out that I couldn’t afford him 🤣 - he was already making good money as a babysitter and a helper in the kitchen at his boarding school. As much as I’d love to have him on the team, he wants to be a chef one day, so I'll rather let him pursue that.
We have a small rivalry going on: he brags that he earns more than me, but I’m slowly catching up now that Bomad has 27 monthly subscribers.
My daughter is 10, so there’s still hope that Bomad will be a family business. I want to introduce her to coding soon, and I’ll definitely be using her in some upcoming marketing videos.